Maximizing Real Estate Sales Through the Power of Prospecting

As salespeople, it's important to always be looking for new customers every day. This is called prospecting.  It means finding and talking to people who might be interested in buying or selling a home and seeing if they're ready to take action.  

Tim Moldenhauer here with RE/MAX Associates and Driven for Success.

Even when the market is good, only a small number of people who are thinking about buying or selling a home will actually contact an agent.  

During a recession, that number can be even smaller. That's why it's so important for agents to keep trying to find new customers; by reaching out to them all the time, you have a better chance of finding someone who is ready to work with you. Here are some tips for good prospecting: 

Use lots of different ways to reach out: Don't just use one method to contact potential customers. Try using the phone, email, social media, and even mail. 

Keep trying: It might take a few tries before someone is ready to work with an agent. If you don't hear back after your first attempt, don't give up - keep reaching out until you get an answer. It takes on average 8 attempts to reach a prospect. 

Make it personal: In today's world of mass marketing, people like to feel special. When prospecting, take the time to make your message specific to each person and make it relevant to their needs. Make the call about them. At the end of the call they won’t remember what you said but how you make them feel. 

Offer something useful: When you reach out to potential clients, always try to offer them something helpful - whether it's information about the current market or tips on the home-buying process. If you can show them that you know a lot and can help them right away, they'll be more likely to want to work with you in the future. 

The above tips will help you in your daily prospecting.  

As Brian Tracy says.

“The only way to find new customers is to go out and hunt them down. The best time to start is now."  

Good luck and get out there and help some people achieve their dreams. If there is anything that I can do for your business, please feel free to reach out.  

Written by Tim Moldenhauer