Declutter - The First Step In Selling Your Home

We get asked all the time what is the first step to getting my home on the market. The first step is the simplest and will give you the highest return on investment. It is cleaning up and depersonalization.

When you clean up and take away some of your personal stuff from your home, yo do three helpful things:

Number 1- You are making your home feel bigger

People love homes with lots of space by removing about half of your things. Yes, I said half, your home will feel larger and more open, especially in smaller rooms.

Number 2 - You will be able to show off your home's best parts.

When there's less to look at, potential buyers can easily notice and appreciate the best parts of your home.

Number 3 - A depersonalized home helps buyers imagine themselves living there.

A less personal home is easier for potential buyers picture themselves living in your home. It makes them feel more connected and maybe even offering more money.

Start by working on one room at a time to stay organized and not feel too stressed.

As you go through your things, try to see your home the way a potential buyer would. This will help you decide which items to put away and which to leave out. Again our goal is to remove 50% of the items

Start with the most important areas. Spend extra time on the entryway, living room, kitchen, and main bedroom.

These areas usually make the biggest impression on buyers.

If you can, keep the things, you put away in a storage unit or at a friend's or family member's house. This will help your home stay clean and open during showings and open houses.

Do not let this one hold you back many times we see garages full of boxes and it doesn't slow down a buyer from making an offer.

Finally, Don't forget outside. Remove personal things from your yard and other outdoor spaces. This will make them look nice and welcoming to everyone.

I hope these tips help you understand why cleaning up and making your space less personal is a smart idea.

Remember, as your real estate agent, we are here to help you through this process and make sure you get the most out of selling your home.

If you have any questions or need more help, let me know and good luck with your home sale!